
Monthly Archives: September 2014




Hey lovelies! It’s safe to say that I’ve been gone for a looong time…So much has just been happening recently, and it’s been rather sudden! I’ve gone back to school and am now piled up with homework, essays, coursework and exams all the time at school, now that I’m in year 11! It’s going to be a rather stressful year, so I probably will only be able to blog now and again, as you can tell! But I will DEFINITELY carry on blogging, as this has always been my outlet where I can share my thoughts and happenings with all you guys! I’ve definitely missed posting on this platform, and I thank you all for supporting me throughout!

JUST TO SAY, I RECENTLY TURNED 16!!!!!!!!!!!! So above are a few snaps from my birthday happenings!

Tallulah xoxo