
Monthly Archives: June 2013

100Hey lovelies! Today’s a little special post for you…A little interview with one of my absolute all-time FAVOURITE bloggers ever…Caroline from Burkatron! She’s one of those awesome, inspiring bloggers who you just seem to adore at first look, and scroll through her whole blog feed until your eyes start hurting, admiring her awesome fashion and DIYs…

1.Why did you start your blog, and did anyone inspire you?
I started blogging about a year and a half ago! I’d never heard of blogging, and it was actually my boyfriend who suggested I start one, so I had a look at a few and thought I’d give it a try!

2.What do you do other than blogging?
I’m an artist by trade! I’ve been painting since I graduated from Central St Martins, but blogging has taken up a lot of time recently, so it’s a juggling act at the minute!

3.What’s been the best experience that you’ve had during your time blogging?
There’s been a few, but I recently filmed an advert with Toyota which was a really fun experience! It was a positive idea movement inspired by their eco friendly hybrid car; I was able to set up a shop and give away free beautiful vintage clothes to passers by…! I felt like Santa Claus, aha!

4.Do you have any people/things that inspire you?
I’m usually inspired by anyone creative, I also read a lot of French blogs, particularly Betty Autier who really inspires my outfits! I always find colour a huge inspiration, so my fashion posts tend to be a little eye watering, aha!

5.What camera do you use?
I’ve ‘borrowed’ my boyfriends Nikon D60 for the last 6 months, but I still take a lot of snaps on my iPhone! As long as there’s good natural light, the pictures are still great (you don’t necessarily need expensive equipment!)

6.How would you describe your style?
Eclectic, I’m a bit of a magpie! I love night street clothing and mixing it with my vintage collection. I like to think of it as boho/hobo chic 😉

7.What’s your favourite and essential item of clothing/accessory you think everyone should have?
One perfect fitting pair of jeans! It takes me ages to find a pair to suit my shape but it’s worth it in the end!

8.Do you have any favourite designers?
Philip Lim, Stella McCartney, Christopher Kane, Marni and KW Anderson to name a few.

9.Which places do you often shop at?
You can usually guarantee I’m wearing something from Topshop, Urban Outfitters or ASOS most days!

10.If you could steal anyone’s wardrobe, who’s would you steal?
Oooh toughie! Alexa Chung or Isabel Lucas…My two favourite boho crushes!

Thanks again Caroline! It was so lovely having you on my blog!

Tallulah xoxo

003004005006Hey lovelies! So this is part two of my big haul…So let’s get going!

The first place I went to was Primark…And oh no, this is when I got a bit too ‘cray-cray’ with my shopping bag thing…Ya know those baskets that you carry round putting clothes into? Yeah, mine was overloaded…I’d been looking for a little cropped black top for ages, and when I’d spotted this Rolling Stones gem, I straight away chucked it in my basket! I then went round looking for a slouchy/oversized tee, and found this cute turquoise/green one, which is a great addition to my Summer wardrobe! I then went to the shoes and feet-y section, and found some awesome creepers and loafer/moccasin/pump-type things, which were love at first sight…Oh yes, and some cute frilly socks! (I seriously love frilly socks, omg.)

I then popped into H&M for a little mooch around, and found a beautiful little lace and cotton dress with a little fabric belt, that will be great for when I go on holiday this year, as something to just put on when going out for a meal, or just being by the beach! (It was also reduced!) I then found a little turquoise crop top which was only, like, two quid! And also some cute floral shorts which were also really cheap.

Next stop…TopShop! Okay, I only really went in there to look at the sale, and for frilly socks…When I found out it was 3 pairs of socks for £8, I just found myself pulled into the whole deal of instagramming socks, and buying three of them! (My cousin also had a student discount, so why not?!) I decided on some cute pastel shades…Pink, yellow, and of course, white!

So there you have it! Oh, I also got the Hairspray DVD, but forgot to photograph it…Oh well!

Tallulah xoxo



Hey lovelies! I’ve been shopping…Oh no. So basically, I’ve gathered up the bits and pieces that I’ve been splurging on in the last month or so, and thought that I’d show you what I’ve got! This is in no way bragging, it’s just that I know that a lot of people like reading/watching hauls (including me), but if you hate them, then just happily click off now!

Okay, so because I also went shopping yesterday doing a big shop for lots of essentials that I’ve been needing to get for a while now, and also getting bits and bobs that I need for Spain in August, I’ve split the haul into two parts. One part will have stuff that I’d already bought before yesterday, and then I’ll do a post on what I bought yesterday on a different day…Gosh, don’t I ramble?!

001Up above are the clothes that I got…I got these running shorts and a little brown jumper from Zara, at a swish that I went to (clothes swap). I was then given two pairs of frilly socks (one’s in the wash, sorry!) by my mum as a little present, and they’re from Love Struck…They’re so cute! The blue scarf was also from the swish, and then the flowery scarf from Quintessential was a present from my grandparents…The flowery scarf is just beautiful.

002This next picture is of a few random bits that I also picked up. I got the new InStyle magazine, and also the Company magazine, which came with a cute little make-up bag! (Might be a bit too small though!) I also got two books from a fair that was in my village. I’ve wanted to read The Help for ages, so I straight away grabbed it from the stall! I also got Gone Girl, as I’d heard a lot of good reviews on it. Lastly, this bracelet was a little present from my friend who recently went to Morocco, and it’s so beautiful! The little intricate hands and jewels are so cute!

Well I think that’s about it! I hope you enjoyed this post…Look out for part two soon!

Tallulah xoxo

1013721_399929710115596_916177238_nHey lovelies! You know those days when you feel so pooey and yuck, that you feel like lounging around and doing nothing, but want to do something…? No? Just me…? That reading and watching films, and whatever else there is to do, is just not enough to keep you occupied? Yep, that’s what occurs to me nearly every Sunday. Sunday is normally everyone’s ‘family’ day, and is time for relaxing and everything…But I normally just do that on Saturdays after a whole week of school, so I’d rather do something on Sundays…But no one’s free and my parents are normally busy working. My brother spends his time on every single gadget there seems to be in the house, from the tv, to the computer, to my phone and his psp, just playing games, so he never really wants to play with me…You’d think that I’m the younger one and he’s the teenager! But anyway, let’s stop my rambles and get to the point…I need some inspiration! Doesn’t anyone? Creativeness and new things to do…And that’s when I came across Caroline’s blog post about doing a DIY blog book! I thought I’d give it a go, and use an old notebook as a sort of little scrapbook of inspiration and stuff to do with my blog! It turned out to be loads of fun to do on a rainy old Sunday, sticking pictures in, doodling and messing about writing little quotes and song lyrics. Up the top is a little picture of the first page of my ongoing/in the works scrapbook, with a few little cute words, the fact that it’s my scrapbook and a little weird heart made of some little squares I drew…Don’t ask. Anyway, I just thought that I’d share with you a cute little thing to do when your bored, and maybe you’ll give it a go?! I’d love it if you’d share with me some pics of your scrapbooks on instagram, tagging me in it (@simplytallulah) or tweet me! (@simplytallulah)

Have a lovely rest of the day, and I’m going to try to get better, as I’m currently tucked up in bed ill! Ugh, anyway, stay tuned for my next post on Sunday…Byeee!

Tallulah xoxo

meHey lovelies! Today’s post is a lovely little interview on one of my favourite bloggers…Vanessa Chloe! Her blog is super lovely, and she is just gorgeous…So go check it out, and read on for the interview!

1.Why did you start your blog, and did anyone inspire you?

I started my blog because at the time I wanted to join my universities student newspaper and wanted to work on my written language before I applied for a position. I came across the blogging world via The Londoner, and thought that blogging would by the perfect platform to work on my writing. I became totally obsessed with reading lifestyle blogs, and the Londoner remains my ultimate fave!

2.What do you do other than blogging?

I am a full time university student at Bangor University, studying BA Heritage, Archaeology and History (glamorous, right?), and also part time waitress, and volunteer at the local museum. I am also a Competitions and Events organiser for my universities pole fitness and dance society, and a pole dancer myself (its family friendly stuff!).

3.What’s been the best experience that you’ve had during your time blogging?

Possibly the lovely comments that I have had, I’m not used to having so many people tell me that what I do is interesting and good, so it’s been a great help to my low self-esteem.

4.Do you have any people/things that inspire you?

Not really people, but I do become inspired by other people’s photography, especially to travel and see the world, and when I’m down some beautiful photos of scenery or animals makes me appreciate how beautiful life is.

5.What camera do you use?

Panasonic Lumix G10, although I’m saving the pennies for a Canon!

6.How would you describe your style?

Safe and lazy! I cannot for the life of my coordinate an outfit when I have just woken up so I usually just throw on jeans and a t-shirt. If I was to put effort into something however it’s still not bold and bright, but more comfy and then the rest depends on my current mood.

7.What’s your favourite and essential item of clothing/accessory you think everyone should have?

Pole shorts! I wear them under every single dress and skirt, and trust me girls, it saves you from so many embarrassing moments!

8.Do you have any favourite designers?

I’m more of a high street girl and don’t tend to look into designer stuff because of temptation to buy things, but my favourite handbag designer will always be Mulberry.

9.Which places do you often shop at?

Urban Outfitters and Topshop are my most common go to places, but if I’m in the mood to splash out on something unique and special – H&M is somewhere where I never used to go to because I thought all their stuff was a bit plain, but I’m recently loving what they have in, and now it’s like my Primark. It’s great for affordable and grown-up pieces to fill up your wardrobe with. Debenhams is also where I go to buy make-up and perfumes.

10.If you could steal anyone’s wardrobe, who’s would you steal?

Emma Watson’s, her clothes are so cute!

Thanks again Vanessa Chloe for participating, and I hope you all enjoyed this post!

Tallulah xoxo



Hey lovelies! Today I wanted to talk about a few of my goals this year. I decided to make a list on what I want to achieve and do!

Blog and Stats Related Goals:

Reach 50 followers on Bloglovin’ 10/50

Reach 250 followers via Email 170/250

Host a blog giveaway

Complete a blogger challenge

Make some blogger friends

 Fashion and Beauty Related Goals:

Grow my hair to my hips

Get some piercings

Get my eyebrows done professionally

Dye my hair

Be involved in a beauty swap with another blogger

 Lifestyle and Random Goals:

Join a gym

Pass my Grade 7 cello exam and Grade 5 music theory exam

Meet a famous person

Get a job

Go to a live concert

What’s your 2013 goals?

Tallulah xoxo

liebster awardHey lovelies! I’m so happy to say that I’ve been nominated for the Liebster award! It’s such an honour!

Okay, so here’s what I saw on Cariad’s blog…The Liebster Blog Award is designed for the blogging community who have less than 200 followers and is to help them up their publicity and get more recognition! But as with everything, there are some rules.

Here are the rules:

1. You HAVE to link back to the person who nominated you, which in my case is this wonderful lady:, whose blog you should go check out, and follow!

2. You HAVE to answer the eleven questions in the Liebster post from the blogger who nominated you.

3. You then have to choose eleven more bloggers who have less than 200 followers and nominate them.

4. You need to then come up with eleven questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Lastly, go to their blogs and let them know they’ve been nominated!

Now for the questions…!

1) What is your favourite foundation?
My favourite foundation has got to be any by Rimmel really…They always impress!
2) What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I think they’re wonderful really…If you don’t abuse them…If you wear them, don’t overload on lippie or eyeshadow, as the falsies would be the key piece of the look, so don’t destroy it by overloading on other statement make-up!
3) Favourite colour?
4) Favourite season and why?
Hmmm, I love Winter, but also Summer…Hmmm…
5) What mascara are you currently using?
No7 Intense Volume…Seriously amazing.
6) What make-up brand do you use most?
Haha, it’s got to be Rimmel! In love!
7) New Look or Forever 21?
New Look. I love Forever 21 too, but I always find something worthwhile in New Look!
8) Jeans or Leggings?
Jeans, I don’t really like clingy leggings on me, haha.
9) Could you ever leave the house without any make-up on?
Urghhh, I have, but I hate it! I get so self-conscious when it comes to that!
10) Summer must-have?
Cute little dresses!
11)What is your summer tune?
I’m in love with LA Story by Sammy Adams and Mike Posner, but I also love Miley’s new song, haha!
My eleven questions for the bloggers are:
1. What’s been your favourite make-up item so far this month?
2. What do you think the most key Summer clothing essential is for you?
3. Where are you going this Summer, or where would you like to go?
4. Favourite Summer track?
5. What’s your favourite fragrance?
6. What’s your favourite magazine?
7. A main goal for 2013?
8. Favourite read?
9. Must have film?
10. Where do you mostly shop for clothes?
11. Favourite make-up brand?
I nominate:
All of these bloggers deserve so much more followers for all the effort they put in! I hope you liked this post.
Tallulah xoxo

Hey lovelies! Just a quickie post on my outfit from yesterday, because of Father’s day and everything…(I love you daddyyy!!!) Oh yeah…And sorry about most of my silly faces and poses, my mum was taking the pictures, and was making me laugh so much, and it was so windy as well, which wasn’t too great…

009002014010008Brogues – Clarks // Jumper – H&M // Frilly Socks – Lovestruck // Dress – H&M

So I look a bit cringey I know, haha;) But anyway, I was going to a fair, and put this outfit together, and thought it looked quite cute!

I found this jumper lying in the back of my wardrobe, and thought it would go nicely over my stripy dress which I’d featured in a previous post. I thought it would make the dress look like a cute little skirt. I’d also seen many jumpers and tops tied up in knots recently, and loved the idea of knotting this jumper up to the side…It looked perfect!

Yesterday my mum also gave me a little present, and they were two pairs of cute frilly socks! One in a bright pop of pink, and one in a creamy/beige colour! I LOVE them, and I decided to pair the cream ones with my little brogues!

I hope you’re having a lovely day!

Tallulah xoxo

1008732_398041646971069_365433133_oHey lovelies! Sorry that I’m posting later than usual, but I basically just wanted to talk about a few products that I’ve used up recently, and I’ve had a busy day today, so I’m just relaxing…I had sport in the morning, then I went to a fair, then I went and helped my dad at work, and then I did some school work…So yeah, kinda tired, and I still need to get ready for father’s day tomorrow, ahhh!!! Ugh, and I also need to do some art work tomorrow…Hope my dad doesn’t mind…Errr…

1. The Power of Plants Botanics Bathing Softening Body Wash from Boots.

There’s nothing I can really talk about, apart from the fact that this was actually really good to shave with, leaving my skin feeling soft, and smelling great!

2. Clean on Me Creamy Clarifying Shower Gel from Soap&Glory.

This nifty number smelt like heaven in a tub! It bubbled and lathered nicely, and felt like a really nice treat at the end of the day!

3. Powder Fresh Women’s Advance Control 48 hour Anti-Perspirant&Deodorant from Mitchum.

Okay, so I needed a new deodorant, and when I found a 48hr one in a sweet smelling scent (ooohhh, powder freshhh) I knew this had to be good…And I was right! As it’s coming slowly into Summer (come on sun, get a move on!) I sweat a lot…I go out a lot more instead of cosying up under a duvet with some crisps at home, and I also do a lot of sport…This is perfect to keep me smelling fresh! I may need to go grab another one of these, because I’m not too happy with my other deodorant at the moment…

4. Ugh, okay, I did have the Shea Butter&Honey Nourishing Shower Gel from Original Source that I’d used up and was gonna show you, but I lost the bottle, and blablabla, so yeaaah…Go search it up, haha;) But anyway, that stuff smelt AH-MA-ZING. Okay, I know I say this about everything scent-wise that I like, but I just don’t know what to say…It really is just amazing! It smells like runny honey…But better…It was so softening, and made me smell ridiculously like a bee…In a good way…

I hope you enjoyed this post! Oh, and by the way…Sorry about the rubbish picture…I had to use my phone…

Tallulah xoxo


header 4Hey lovelies! This morning’s post is on one of my massive inspirations in the blogging world…Ellie from! Okay guys, she’s the real deal. Her blog is wonderful, and she even has a youtube channel under her belt, and more than 900 followers…She also gives me a ton of inspiration in all her posts, and just seems like such a lovely girl…Read on for the interview!

1. Why did you start your blog, and did anyone inspire you?

I started my blog after months of debating whether or not it was a good idea. I was inspired by LLYMLRS and Beauty Crush as they were two styles I felt I could really relate too. I thought it’d be a fun little project just to try out, and I had no idea I’d end up with all these amazing perks! 

2. What do you do other than blogging?

I have just started a YouTube channel to run alongside my blog (loveelliee) and sometimes I’ll use websites such as WIWT. In terms of hobbies, I’m a massive book and film geek, so most of my time is spent watching movies and reading books!

3. What’s been the best experience that you’ve had during your time blogging?

Probably my best experience was getting to meet some of my bloggy friends! I travelled up to London and spent the day with them and had the best time! I feel kind of like they’re my long lost sisters – it was amazing getting to meet people who, without blogging, I would never had had the pleasure of meeting!

4. Do you have any people/things that inspire you?                                                      

It sounds kind of silly but I’m very inspired by poetry! Personally, I think it helps my writing style (which has, on occasion, been described as ‘poetic’, haha!) I also draw inspiration from websites like Pinterest, as street style is a big inspiration for me!

5. What camera do you use?  

I use the Nikon D3100, not the best camera now that I’m starting to make videos, but for blogging it’s a beaut!

6. How would you describe your style?

I’m not sure how I’d describe it as I’m usually open to any kind of style. I don’t like sticking to a particular way of dressing as it’s always fun to branch out and try something you’d never thought to wear before! If I had to put it down to one word, I’d probably just say Casual! 

7. What’s your favourite and essential item of clothing/accessory you think everyone should have?                                                                                                               

My essential item is a leather jacket. It’s such an amazing piece, as it can instantly add something to any outfit. My go-to outfit usually consists of skinny jeans, a baggy white tee and a black leather jacket. You can dress up any outfit almost instantly with one of those. 

8. Do you have any favourite designers?

I’ve recently become a little obsessed with Thierry Lasry sunglasses, shame they’re a little out of my price range, haha! I also love Mary Katrantzou who had a collection at TOPSHOP a little while back! Also, designers like Marc Jacobs and Alexander Wang!

9. Which places do you often shop at?

My favourite places are TOPSHOP, ASOS & Missguided. I also love Primark for all my little essentials!

10. If you could steal anyone’s wardrobe, who’s would you steal?

Either Molly from the Saturdays or Millie Macintosh. Gosh – what I would give for a wardrobe like that!

Tallulah xoxo