
Monthly Archives: December 2014

Hey lovelies! Catcalling is a serious problem, and women endure it on a regular basis. We have to put a stop to this verbal assault, and this video just disgusts me:

Actress Shoshana Roberts was harassed 108 times whilst walking through New York City for ten hours. This was one campaign to put an end to catcalling and as a cry for help to stop these awful acts. Here is the video:

Tallulah xoxo

tumblr_ndto2v6XLg1rvkvumo1_1280Hey lovelies! We all get those days where we just want to give up. We want to forget about the things that we need to get through and achieve, and we just want to slob around in jammies and cry about it. But no.

Take inspiration from the incredible Malala Yousafzai. I found this image on tumblr and it made me realise that ANYTHING is possible if we just put our minds to it…She fought for what she wanted, and we indeed can do the same.

You want that job? Work hard for it! You want to pass that exam? Work, work, work. If you don’t achieve something the first time, just keep trying!

Recently I nearly gave up on taking my grade 5 music theory exam, but I put my mind to it and realised that I could in fact achieve it if I wanted to! I passed with two marks off a merit, and am incredibly happy as I thought I was going to fail! I nearly gave up…But came out with the exam marks I wanted!

Anything is possible, just don’t give up…Go for it. The world is yours.

Tallulah xoxo

Hey lovelies! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, or happy holidays if you don’t celebrate it! I spent mine feasting like a queen, playing endless games, spending time with the family and watching many a festive film!

I wanted to just share with you two tracks that I have recorded of me singing and playing the guitar;

Little Talks:

Ho Hey:

Please feel free to check them out over on Soundcloud!

Tallulah xoxo

Hey lovelies! Girl-cliques is the hot topic today, oh yes. Popular candy-pop teens donned in sparkles…Oh, the dream. Everyone wants to be a part of ‘that’ awesome crew at school…Wouldn’t it be incredibly cool to be a part of the Mean Girls gang wearing pink on Wednesdays? Or we could just join the Grease girls and become a pink lady.


I’m in love with this poster and the many pins that can be found on Sara M. Lyons’ website! Whoever you want to be, there’s a pin for all.

Also, check out Kendall Jenner’s Mean Girls moment below:

Tallulah xoxo